This first year of his life flew by so fast! I cannot believe he is a whole year old already! I kind of dreaded the day that I would count his age in years instead of months! I am never in any hurry for my babies to grow up so I would be lying if I said I wasn't a bit sentimental that day. I have no idea if Ezra will be our last baby or if we will have more. I am the kind of momma that could have a baby every year! I absolutely love everything about pregnancy, labor, birth, newborns, babies. Being a mom is my greatest JOY!
I have had a wonderful year watching my sweet newborn boy grow into a handsome one year old! He is the most laid back, sweet, easygoing, baby. We are really starting to see his personality come out and he is quite the little ham. He already has a sense of humor and a love for music! His sister's adore him SO very much. They love to teach him new things and to make him laugh brings them so much joy!
I am so glad that they have been blessed with a baby brother. That they have been able to watch him grow, and celebrate his first smile, his first laugh, his first teeth. They love to hold him and feed him and read to him. It warms my heart to see the love they have for their little brother!
Ezra you are a gift! We treasure you each and everyday! Even though it pains me to see you growing so fast I look forward to all the fun we will have in the coming months and years. I am so thankful that God blessed us with a perfect little boy! I love your sweet snuggles and your big brown eyes that smile when you do! I love your crooked little lip and your dimple! I love your baby boy voice and your curiosity! It is nice to fold blue sleepers and see little trains and cars around the house. I don't mind that you still wake up 2-3 times a night to nurse, I treasure these moments as I know they will one day be gone. I love the way you still do the army crawl and are no where near walking :) I love your sweet, smooshy (albeit messy) kisses. I love your little wave to say "night night".
God has blessed us with you, sweet, sweet boy!
Here is Ezra as he grew over the last 12 months.....
This will be PICTURE OVERLOAD! But that is what this blog is all about :)
7 days new
2 weeks
3.5 weeks
1 month!
2 months
3.5 months
4.5 months
5 months
6.5 months
7 months At the Cottage!
8 months Mommy's Assistant
8.5 months Mr. Right :)
9 months
mommy's boy
9.5 months
First Christmas!
11 Months!
ONE YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is a VIDEO my hubby put together to celebrate Ezra's birthday! Looking back at the day he was born! Such a sweet, special day!
Ezra the world became a better place the day you were born!
We love you so much!
Happy Birthday Baby BOY!
(push pause on the music player on this site before watching the video)
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