The Birth of Audrey {Chatham Kent Ontario Birth Photographer}

Audrey's birth was much anticipated! It seemed it would be ANY DAY, ANY MOMENT for a good 2 weeks. I was so sure I would miss the big event while photographing my last wedding of the year. Thankfully she decided not to come on that day! But when she did decide to make her grand entry into this world it was with such speed that if it weren't for my close proximity to the hospital, and quick dash through the ER, I definitely would have missed it! I was so thankful that it worked out that I could be there to capture her birth day. Mom was unbelievably strong! Had a completely natural (fast) labor. Not so much as a complaint. Awe inspiring I tell you! Meet beautiful Audrey!

1 comment:

grandma stronks said...

Awesome pictures. Welcome to the family Audrey. Makes me wish I could have been there; but I truly enjoyed spending my time with her big brother,Elliott. Love Grandma Stronks.